Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Sefer Torah

We are pleased to announce that the Shul is going to purchase a new Sefer Torah. Everyone is invited to join in by purchasing a Sedra which are priced at £500 each. This can be paid by a £20 per month Standing Order is preferred. Mr Chaim Greenberg is heading the project and should be contacted to reserve your Sedra.

Due to Popular Demand...

Okay - since you guys wanted to know:

Pesichas Kol Nidrei went for 103 x Chai

1st Sefer Torah for Kol Nidrei went for 31 x chai - the mitzva was given to Rabbi D Hickson.

Maftir Yona went for £6,000. The maftir was given by the Purchaser to Mr Y Marks.

Pesichas Neilah went for £900.

As for a webcam...not much action to see ;-)!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Yom Kippur and on...

Since we have a blog and the refurbishment is almost over, we can use this for news etc.

First of all we would like to wish Mazel Tov to our Choson Torah, Mr Mordechai Uhrmacher and our Choson Bereishis, the Rov, Rabbi MM Cohen.

Just a quick update on Yom Kippur, BH, the with the expanded shul, we had plenty of room and the airconditioning, whilst we believe it is not functioning correctly, kept the shul comfortable throughtout Yom Kippur. Rabbi Leizer Eidelman davening Kol Nifrei and Maariv for the Omud, as well as Shacharis and Mincha. Rabbi Yoel Niasoff davening Musaf and Neila. Napoleon's March was very lively.