Friday, October 26, 2007

New Sefer Torah

Times of Davening till Pesach

Shacharis Update

Hi - just a quick update regarding the minyan for Shacharis: we daven Mon-Fri at 7.15am (from Hodu) and on Sunday at 8am. Sunday Morning Shacharis is followed by a Bagel & Smoked Salmon Breakfast. Please help strengthen the Minyan.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Weekday Shacharis

Hi all you avid readers!

Some news to post - Boruch Hashem since Rosh Chodesh Iyar, we have been holding a daily minyan for Shacharis. Hodu is called for 8am on Sundays, 7:05am on Monday and Thursday and 7:15am on Wed, Thurs and Fri. We davened at 7:00am on Rosh Chodesh. Please join us to strengthen the Minyan as quite often members are travelling out of town on business.

Any queries email me at

Monday, February 26, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Sorry just a quick clarification - We created this blog to keep people informed of the refurbishment of the Shul. Since we finished Rosh Hashana time, we put a bit of info on regarding the Tishrei. I will Bli Neder try and post news and events on the Blog but please don't hold me to that!