Wednesday, December 25, 2013

News from the Annual Yom Limud

This Wednesday 22 Teves, (25 December) Beis Menachem in Manchester held their Annual Yom Limmud learning program. Some of Anash taking advantage of the Bank Holiday, when they don’t have to go into work, came instead to spend part of their day learning.

The day started early with a Shiur Chassidus on the Ma’amer Vo’ero 5712 given by Rabbi Folly Dubov, one of the Mashpi’im in Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester.

After a leisurely paced Shacharis, Rabbi Leizer Eidelman gave an informal Halocha Shiur whilst everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast including scrambled eggs, all served up by R’ Yankel Rosen.
Following breakfast, Rabbi Yossi Chazan spoke on the subject of the connection of the timing of giving shevach and hoda’a to the Aibishter with Emunah.

After a short coffee break, Dayan Avrohom Bookman spoke on “Shibud Mitzrayim – The Price For Slave Labour”, including the issues of contracts of employment in Halocha.

The last speaker of the program was Rabbi Hillel Royde of the Manchester Beis Din Kashrus Division, who spoke about “Kashrus Issues in Manufactured Foods”, the issues that can arise with additives to foods to aid the manufacturing process, as well as answering many questions posed from the audience.

The program concluded with Mincha

Rabbi Folly Dubov gives the Shiiur Chassidus

             Rabbi  Leizer Eidelman gives an informal Halocha Shiiur during breakfast 

Rabbi Yossi Chazan

Part of the crowd

Dayan Avrohom Bookman

Rabbi Hillel Royde