Friday, October 11, 2013

The Minyan 10th Anniversary Melave Malka.

The Minyan - Beis Menachem in Manchester celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a grand Melave Malka.
On Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Noach, 1st Cheshvan, The Minyan - Beis Menachem in Manchester celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a grand Melave Malka.

The Minyan was established to provide a warm chassidisher atmosphere for Anash who wish to live their lives based on the directives of the Rebbeim. The Minyan serves as a venue for a wide range of communal programs creating an environment that welcomes and promotes personal and communal growth for men women and children.

Anash and N’Shei were invited to celebrate this milestone with a beautifully catered Seuda with inspiring speakers.

Rabbi Mendel Cohen, Rov of The Minyan, welcomed everyone to the event expressing the gratitude we share for having The Minyan and for being able to lead our lives as the Rebbe wishes.

Reb Dovid Abenson shared a Chassidisher Ma’aseh as is customary on Motzei Shabbos. The Guest Speaker, Rabbi Daniel Walker, the Rabbi of Heaton Park Shul and a member of Anash inspired participants with the story of his journey to Lubavitch, how to inspire the next generation and the importance of involving oneself with the Shul and community.

The evening was enhanced by Chassidisher Niggunim played by Chananya Niasoff. The evening left everyone with a beautiful feeling of achdus and simcha.

The evening was organized by the Gabboim, Reb Shmuli Giffen and Dovid Pink. Catering was by Dovid Pink assisted by Yankel Rosen.

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