Thursday, September 07, 2006

Funding - Once Again!

We have almost completed the first element of the work, and we are looking for sponsors to help us fund the project, this includes:

Air-conditioning - £4,800
False Ceiling with Lighting - £4,200
Flooring for 2nd half of room to match 1st half - £4,000
Bookcases (to be installed in window alcoves to replace those formerly against wall removed) - £1,000
Replacement Windows - 6 @ £800 each - £4,800
New tables - 20 @ £80 each - £1,600
Chairs - 100 @ £20 each - £2,000

There is going to be, PG, a board with the names of the main sponsors (or the persons they wish to have named) displayed in the Shul. Anyone wishing to support this wonderful mitzva of beautifying a Shul is welcome to join in and get in contact with either Chaim Greenberg or myself. Thanks - Dovid.

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