Thursday, October 05, 2006

Due to Popular Demand...

Okay - since you guys wanted to know:

Pesichas Kol Nidrei went for 103 x Chai

1st Sefer Torah for Kol Nidrei went for 31 x chai - the mitzva was given to Rabbi D Hickson.

Maftir Yona went for £6,000. The maftir was given by the Purchaser to Mr Y Marks.

Pesichas Neilah went for £900.

As for a webcam...not much action to see ;-)!!!!

1 comment:

doonlygood said...

nice nice!!! please keep updating... we want more pic.s

hope all is well!
missing you guys.

Yermi, Shira & Menachem Mendel Kurkus