Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Sefer Torah

We are pleased to announce that the Shul is going to purchase a new Sefer Torah. Everyone is invited to join in by purchasing a Sedra which are priced at £500 each. This can be paid by a £20 per month Standing Order is preferred. Mr Chaim Greenberg is heading the project and should be contacted to reserve your Sedra.


Anonymous said...


wow, its unbelievable to see what you have achieved in such a small amount of time.

very nice - keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

what is the point of the blog if you dont update it? or is everyone still getting over simchas torah

Anonymous said...

what use is a new sefer torah when one of the members actively chases existing and potential members away in a most vulgar and profane manner, whilst the rabbi turns a blind eye?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

whats up? i keep logging on to find out whats news and you havent updated it since simchas torah!!!!
please keep us updated. im sure there have been simchas and stuff going on, let us know about it.
toda raba
a minyan man