Sunday, August 27, 2006


Ok - so we have got the show on the road and the funding for the biggest element of the work, but there are lots of smaller parts of the overall scheme that we still do not have sponsors for. This includes:

Air-conditioning - £4,800
False Ceiling with Lighting - £4,200
Flooring for 2nd half of room to match 1st half - £4,000
Bookcases (to be installed in window alcoves to replace those formerly against wall removed) - £1,000
Replacement Windows - 6 @ £800 each - £4,800
New tables - 20 @ £80 each - £1,600
Chairs - 100 @ £20 each - £2,000

There is going to be, PG, a board with the names of the main sponsors (or the persons they wish to have named) displayed in the Shul. Anyone wishing to support this wonderful mitzva of beautifying a Shul is welcome to join in and get in contact with either Chaim Greenberg or myself. Thanks - Dovid.

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