Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Sefer Torah

We are pleased to announce that the Shul is going to purchase a new Sefer Torah. Everyone is invited to join in by purchasing a Sedra which are priced at £500 each. This can be paid by a £20 per month Standing Order is preferred. Mr Chaim Greenberg is heading the project and should be contacted to reserve your Sedra.

Due to Popular Demand...

Okay - since you guys wanted to know:

Pesichas Kol Nidrei went for 103 x Chai

1st Sefer Torah for Kol Nidrei went for 31 x chai - the mitzva was given to Rabbi D Hickson.

Maftir Yona went for £6,000. The maftir was given by the Purchaser to Mr Y Marks.

Pesichas Neilah went for £900.

As for a webcam...not much action to see ;-)!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Yom Kippur and on...

Since we have a blog and the refurbishment is almost over, we can use this for news etc.

First of all we would like to wish Mazel Tov to our Choson Torah, Mr Mordechai Uhrmacher and our Choson Bereishis, the Rov, Rabbi MM Cohen.

Just a quick update on Yom Kippur, BH, the with the expanded shul, we had plenty of room and the airconditioning, whilst we believe it is not functioning correctly, kept the shul comfortable throughtout Yom Kippur. Rabbi Leizer Eidelman davening Kol Nifrei and Maariv for the Omud, as well as Shacharis and Mincha. Rabbi Yoel Niasoff davening Musaf and Neila. Napoleon's March was very lively.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Setup for Yom Tov

Although there are a few items still left to complete, namely, the vision panels in the doors, the staining and varnishing of the doors, the staining and varnishing of the floor and the replacement of the bay windows, we have finished all the work to be done before Rosh Hashana and have set up the Shul tonight. The Rabbi, with Modcha Uhrmacher (with Faigy & Channi), Yehuda Kahan, David Rose and of course the ever present Niel, spet hours putting the seforim onto shelves, cleaning, shlepping tables and chairs and setting the Shul out. Boruch Hashem the place looks beautiful. I have taken a few pictures from different places to give those who are not able to physically see the Shul, the ability to get an idea of the way it looks
The view from the door as you come in.
The view from the back of shul.
This is where the wall used to be!
Note the new large radio controlled clock!

The Ladies Shul. We had it planned to have 6 tables and seating for 30 women which is fine for a regular Shabbos, however, over Yom Tov, it packs out, so we have taken out half the tables and have put in rows of seats. There is space to add more at the present.

View from the front of the Shul.

Part of the Golditch Library

The view from the back of the men's section.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


As we approach Rosh Hashana, we are making the final finishing touches to the Shul. The floor is being laid, the walls have been painted, the bookcases in the window cills are being put together and we have purchased new chairs as well as tables big enough to sit four along the side.

A Sneak Preview

The picture below gives you an idea what the Shul will look like when it is completed, however, all the bookcases from the back of the Shul have be placed at the front to enable the floor to be fitted.

The floor is layed,

The wood for the floor was delivered today and the guys have made a start on it. The question is how will the end result look considering the sub-floor is running at different levels? Once the floor is finished, it will be sanded and then varnished.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The windows are Installed

Last week on Wednesday, the windows were delivered and Chaim's Polish workers set about removing the old frames and installing the new ones. Note the H&S equipment they use. If you look carefully, you can see the glass breaking when the hammer hits it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The final touches are put in place

Today they made a start on the installation of the air-conditioning. Two units have been used to give a better spread of air.

They also started fitting the new windows, so far two of the five to be installed before Yom Tov have been put in place. Tomorrow, PG, the other three will be installed and they will all be cleaned up.

This picture gives you an idea of what the ceiling and lighting will look like.

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Photos of Shul

Whilst we still need to have the false ceiling, lighting and new windows, as well as the flooring completed, we used the shul for the first time last Shabbos, Parshas Ki Savo. After many hours spent by Modcha, Shmuli, Aron and Neil, the thick dusts was cleaned up sufficiently to use the Shul for Shabbos as well as to hold the Chai Ellul Fabrengen. You can get an idea of the look of the "enlarged" Shul from this picture.

The doors have been fitted although they have not been finished with the window inserts, which once have been stained will enhance the finish.


The builder is now finishing off the small items as can be seen on the photos below:

The unequal floor had to be dealt with and so a self-leveling compound was applied in one area. PG this will enable the flooring to be fitted to the rear of the room.

The final column has been boarded and plastered.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Sorry - being new to this, I have did not mess about with too many settings. I have now changed the setting to allow non-registered people to comment on the blog. Looking forward to reading your feedback.

I hope to have some more pictures to post up over the next day or so. The beams have been platered up and the floor is being leveled. We are waiting for the false ceiling to be installed on Tuesday followed by the Air-conditioning. We are also waiting for the windows to be installed which will PG be towards the end of the week and the beginning of next, as should the new floor in the back of the room.

Comments, Comments, Comments

We would like to encourage you, the viewer of our blog to post up your comments.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Funding - Once Again!

We have almost completed the first element of the work, and we are looking for sponsors to help us fund the project, this includes:

Air-conditioning - £4,800
False Ceiling with Lighting - £4,200
Flooring for 2nd half of room to match 1st half - £4,000
Bookcases (to be installed in window alcoves to replace those formerly against wall removed) - £1,000
Replacement Windows - 6 @ £800 each - £4,800
New tables - 20 @ £80 each - £1,600
Chairs - 100 @ £20 each - £2,000

There is going to be, PG, a board with the names of the main sponsors (or the persons they wish to have named) displayed in the Shul. Anyone wishing to support this wonderful mitzva of beautifying a Shul is welcome to join in and get in contact with either Chaim Greenberg or myself. Thanks - Dovid.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Finishing Part 1 of the Project

The final coat of plaster is put on the wall in the hallway by the men's entrance.

The plasterboard is fixed to the steel beams to give it fire protection.

Another view of the finishing work.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

What Next

So now we move onto Stage 2 of the work, which involves:
1. the laying of the floor at the back of the room to match the front.
2. Replacing the windows.
3. Installing the false ceiling and improved lighting.
4. Installing the airconditioning.
5. Installing bookcases in the bottom section of thee windows.
6. Purchasing new tables and chairs.

We are looking for a sponsor or sponsors for this work. Any contributions would be appreciated.

The view from the mens entrance. The supports are still in place whilst cement and concrete sets. By Monday/Tuesday, they will be removed, as will the sections of wall built up to help the supports. Finally, the gap between the floors will be filled in.

Plastering begins

With the school opening on Wednesday for the children, the plasterer has begun on the work in the hallway, making good the plasterwork. The new doorframes and doors will be fitted on Monday/Tuesday.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Steel in Place

The main work on the supports is finished with all the steelwork in place. The final part of this element of work is t0 board the steel with plasterboard to give it the cosmetic finish and provide fire protection.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Ok - so we have got the show on the road and the funding for the biggest element of the work, but there are lots of smaller parts of the overall scheme that we still do not have sponsors for. This includes:

Air-conditioning - £4,800
False Ceiling with Lighting - £4,200
Flooring for 2nd half of room to match 1st half - £4,000
Bookcases (to be installed in window alcoves to replace those formerly against wall removed) - £1,000
Replacement Windows - 6 @ £800 each - £4,800
New tables - 20 @ £80 each - £1,600
Chairs - 100 @ £20 each - £2,000

There is going to be, PG, a board with the names of the main sponsors (or the persons they wish to have named) displayed in the Shul. Anyone wishing to support this wonderful mitzva of beautifying a Shul is welcome to join in and get in contact with either Chaim Greenberg or myself. Thanks - Dovid.

Friday, August 25, 2006

New Doorway

The new door at the back of the room into the Ladies Shul has been opened up.

More propping

The props are put in place from both sides of the wall.

Some Serious Props

Close-up of the prop in action!

Some serious props are put in place to support the upper floor loads whilst the steel beam is put in place. Once the steel is in place to support the loads, the wall may be removed.

Rest of the Steel Supports

The rest of the steel supports are delivered and await installation.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Propping Begins

The old beams holding the upper floors are propped.

The First of the RSJ's is delivered.

The first and largest of the steel beams (RSJ's) has been delivered and moved in position ready to install - all 3/4 ton of it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Hole for the Shin Daleds!

If you noticed on the previous picture, the hole in the wall the reason behind it is the directive of Rabbi Yehuda HaChossid. The Rebbe in Igros Chelek Yud Gimmel describes how a doorway, chimney or window should be closed in accordance with the directive. Apparently it is to let the Shin Daleds escape!

Doorway closed

The old entrance to the ladies shul was closed up with a new doorway being opened further towards the rear of the room. The doorway was bricked up at this position in Engineering Brick to provide support for the steel beam which is to be put in place to support the upper floors when the dividing wall is demolished.

Preparations for the Propping

Holes are cut into the wall at high and low level and temporary brickwork is put in place to support the cantilever style propping needed to hold up the tremendous weights.

Preparations for the work

The Aron is moved aside to get access to the beam and the Seforim are covered to keep out the dust.

The Shul before...

First Posting

Hi all - I decided to create a blog for those home and abroad can see what is happening with the refurbishment of The Minyan, our shul in Beis Menachem, Manchester, UK.

The work we are doing is the removal of the dividing wall between the two rooms we use as the Shul to create a large space for the expanding shul and to enable people at the back of the Shul, especially the ladies Shul to hear the Davening and Leyning.

In addition to the removal of the wall, we are planning PG to install a false ceiling with improved lighting and airconditioning. We are also planning to replace the old windows which will give the added benefit of there no longer being a need for curtains on the inside and grills on the outside.

The floors need to be made up to match throughtout the new room and finally, we need more tables and chairs. The next post PG will have some photos of the before shots and the ongoing work.

Anyone who wishes to help out in the funding of this project - please let us know.